Thursday, October 7, 2010

some catch up...

Here is some catch up over the last number of months... things that have been going on, but no time to blog... going to post some pics though...
ok... going waaaaaaay back... February 2010 to be exact...
Kaeli is prepping her science fair project.

 another experiment of our own...
She had lots of fun poking her fingers to test her blood sugar levels to see which type of bread would cause her blood glucose levels to spike the highest.
 Kaeli had fun too, finding out what you should and should not add to water to help cut flowers last longer.
March 2010
We made this book for Minami, who we had to say good-bye to (for now)!
 at the airport...
 very very sad... :(
 Gillian at gymnastics
 Kaeli getting her brace for Scoliosis
 She is amazing!!

April 2010
We welcomed a new member to our family... Nana from Japan, which wasn't to last too long :(
April/ May 2010
We are starting to dig our garden (next pic) and the girls are finding lots of worms!
 this was great exercise!!
 Erika receiving the Lady Baden Powell award at Guides... amazing accomplishment, especially for a 2nd year! It was lots of hard work and she did awesome!!
 Erika- Guide
Kaeli- Brownie
 Yes, this pic was really taken in May!
Checking out bunnies that we might get (which we did... 3 of them)

 Summer fun (in May)
 We loooooove our hot dog roasts... and our first one of the year got to be with Mama and Papa!!
 a creative day when we were working in the yard... the kids started with one huge box... and created a whole house with curtains and all!
 planting our sweet peas
 now for the peas

 ewwwwwww... that's huge!
our caterpillars... we get them every year!
 Erika and Nana making breakfast...mmmmmmmmm
June 2010
Connect with Community with our church went out to a farm... so much fun!

 our garden is starting...
 The bunnies... Erika with Princess, Kaeli with Cuddles, and Gillian with Miss Ashley
 the caterpillars are now in chrysallis
 the bunnies home for a couple weeks... in my dining room!
 playing at a park nearby... they are so creative!!
 crossfit kids! ... push ups against the wall
 Gillian and Aleksys... Canada Day- July 1, 2010
July 2010
our garden is coming along

 all from our garden!
 another crossfit kids WOD
 a special meal made by Nana for all of us
August 2010
camping with Mama and Papa at Micquelon Lake

 at Jackie Parker water park

 not a nice day outside, so we had some fun inside!
 growing crystals
 have you seen the movie "Princess Diaries 2"?
 They each made their own play-doh and then, of course, played with it!!
finally... September 2010
our program plans for the year...


wheewwww! There... we are caught up... and hope to stay that way!